Collection of Reiki crystals symbolizing energy harmony and spiritual healing

Reiki Crystals: Learn More About This Ancient Practice

Reiki Crystals are powerful tools that blend the ancient art of Reiki with the earth’s natural energies, aimed at balancing and recovering the body part it touches.

Choosing your stone involves feeling its vibration and ensuring it resonates with your energy and specific intentions for your wellness journey, such as seeking calmness or boosting creativity.

Incorporating crystals into your life brings a piece of the earth’s wisdom into your daily routine and shows your commitment to self-care. They offer a range of benefits, from enhanced luck to a more grounded and balanced feeling, making each day a little brighter.

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What is Reiki Healing?

Gem on forehead of person, recovery session
Discover how to Rehabilitate your body.

Reiki healing is a powerful practice in which practitioners use their palms to channel energy healing to someone else’s body to promote recovery and tranquility.

Incorporating Reiki crystals deepens the recovery process, amplifying the energy and helping to clear blockages that can cause bodily or emotional pain.

These reiki healing stones, like citrine crystals and amethyst, are believed to hold psychic abilities that enhance the practitioner’s ability to heal and provide comfort.

This unique combination of reiki healing with a crystal brings a sense of serenity, warmth, and joy, producing a sought-after method for self-healing, self-care, abundance, and balancing emotions.

How Does Reiki Work?

Individual laying down preparing for Reiki
Feel Better.

Reiki works by tapping into the body’s flow to enhance and balance it for better health and welfare. Through Reiki crystals, practitioners focus on the chakra points, like energy hubs, to cleanse and invigorate them, promoting recovery from within.

They’re believed to have the power to absorb, hold, and emit energy, making them perfect tools in Reiki to direct light to certain areas filled with negativity or blockages.

By carefully selecting and placing these crystals over or near the body, they work alongside Reiki practices to amplify recovery. They aid in treating the root cause of physical and mental ailments and foster deep relaxation, happiness, and overall welfare.

What are the Five Principles?

Just for today, I will not be angry: This principle encourages practitioners to release anger, promoting emotional balance and peace. This is essential in energy healing practices like Reiki, where calming the consciousness and spirit is crucial for effective treatment.

Just for today, I will not worry: It teaches the importance of trust and surrender, helping people focus on the present and maintain a positive outlook, essential for recovery and well-being.

Just for today, I will be grateful: Gratitude opens the heart, enhancing the practitioner’s ability to channel positive vibes and promote joy and abundance in life.

Just for today, I will do my work honestly: This principle underscores the value of integrity and sincerity in your actions and interactions, strengthening the practitioner’s connection to vibrations and enhancing their ability to aid all individuals.

Just for today, I will be kind to every living thing: Kindness amplifies the healing energy of Reiki, fostering a deep connection with all beings and supporting the holistic approach to health and wellness that Reiki embodies.

What are the Different Levels of Reiki?

Levels of Spiritual Recovery, bright background

Level 1 – Shoden (Beginner or First Teaching): In this initial stage, participants learn the basics of Reiki, including how to perform self-healing and provide treatment for individuals. They concentrate on physical recovery and introduce the concept of energy flow through the chakras using direct practice.

Level 2 – Okuden (Inner or Hidden Teaching): At this level, practitioners deepen their understanding of Reiki, learning to send positive vibrations across distances and time, incorporating symbols and mantras that amplify their ability to connect with and direct these powers precisely.

Level 3 – Shinpiden (Mystery Teaching) or Reiki Master Practitioner: This level is for those who wish to commit themselves further to Reiki practice, learning advanced techniques and receiving the Master Symbol, which enhances their ability to channel vibrations and perform robust recovery.

Level 4—Reiki Master Teacher: In the final level, practitioners are taught how to teach Reiki to others and perform attunements, enabling them to pass on the knowledge and skills of Reiki practice. This level solidifies the practitioner’s commitment to Reiki as a life path, empowering them to spread the principles of Reiki to new students.

How do you Become a Reiki Master or Practitioner?

To become a Reiki Practitioner, you start with Level 1, learning energy flow and basic Reiki, including the role of crystals in recovery. Advancing through the levels deepens one’s energy manipulation and crystal use skills. It culminates in expert-level training, where you master Reiki techniques, learns to teach individuals and integrate deeply into your life, guiding individuals on their paths with enhanced knowledge of crystals and chakras.

Can Reiki Be Self-Admistered?

Reiki can be self-administered, allowing individuals to harness the therapy’s calming and recovery benefits for their emotions and bodily well-being. Through focused methods and the strategic placement of chakra crystals on the body, practitioners can direct a flow of vibrations, typically resulting in a warm, grounding sensation that promotes self-treatment, spirituality, and a deep connection with the earth. This practice amplifies personal energy and intuition and creates a tranquil environment, enabling peacefulness and rejuvenation.


Written text of 9 benefits of Reiki

Promotes Relaxation and Stress Reduction:

Reiki helps soothe the mind and body, creating deep relaxation. This practice targets the root causes of stress and anxiety, and it is enhanced with crystals and stones. These stones guide the person towards serenity, which is crucial for well-being.

Supports Emotional and Physical Recovery:

This treatment can aid in recovering emotional wounds and bodily ailments through the focused application of Reiki techniques and the strategic use of crystals. It encourages your natural recovery processes, facilitating individuals’ overcoming challenges related to their emotions or physical health, often resulting in an improved sense of balance and unity.

What to Expect During a Reiki Session

Reiki Room, peaceful, comfortable feeling
Learn what to expect.

During a Reiki, expect a tranquil environment where you’ll lie down or sit comfortably, possibly surrounded by Reiki Crystals, which are selected based on their ability to treat specific areas of the body and emotions. The practitioner will hover their palms over you, concentrating on your chakras to create a deep relaxation, using methods that have been refined over centuries that aim to leave you feeling balanced, supported, and in harmony with renewed confidence and welfare.

How long is a Reiki Healing Session?

A sesh typically lasts 60 to 90 minutes, providing ample time for the practitioner to thoroughly treat various chakras and employ multiple ways, including Reiki Crystals, to enhance its effectiveness. During this time, clients can expect to feel relaxed and peaceful, often experiencing the warm, comforting effects of the gemstone’s vibration, as the practitioner focuses on regions that require attention, ensuring a comprehensive approach to their welfare.

How are Reiki Stones Used?

Reiki tumbled stones, different colors
Discover how to use these.

The best healing stones selected for alignment with the body’s chakras are strategically placed or hovered over by the practitioner to enhance the sesh’s impact, concentrating on root regions needing balance or support. These stones are known for their unique properties and vibrations, which improve the recovery process, enhance the experience profoundly for the person receiving treatment, create grounding, and aid the overall journey toward wellness and inner calm.

Reiki for Animals & Pets: How Does it Work?

Dog with crystals and tennis balls around, outside
Animals & Pets

Reiki for animals and pets works through gentle, non-invasive touch, where a practitioner uses gems to enhance the sesh, concentrating on specific regions that align with the animal’s chakras to promote balance and welfare. Tailored to each animal’s needs, this method helps to soothe and calm, providing safety that allows pets to relax fully, often resulting in noticeable improvements in their comfort and overall demeanor, especially in those who are stressed, anxious, or recovering.

Quick Overview

Multiple crystals inside a store
Quick Overview
  • Amethyst: Renowned for its ability to promote calmness and clarity, this crystal is a favorite for its psychic protection and enhancement of meditation and intuition.
  • Clear Quartz: Amplifies energy and thought, making it an ideal crystal for directing power during Reiki sessions.
  • Rose Quartz: Celebrated for its gentle spirit of compassion and peace, this crystal aids in restoring inner wounds and fostering self-love in Reiki practices.
  • Black Tourmaline: A powerful grounding stone that protects against negative vibes and electromagnetic frequencies.
  • Citrine: Sought after in Reiki for its ability to attract abundance, positivity, and energizing properties that promote joy and vitality.
  • Red Jasper: This stone is valued for its nurturing liveliness. This stone offers support during stress and re-energizes your aura in Reiki healing.
  • Selenite: Its high vibrational frequency clears blockages in the energy field, and the crystal promotes a deep sense of peace.
  • Green Aventurine: Known as the “stone of opportunity,” this stone is favored for its ability to release old patterns and bring about new growth and recovery.
  • Lapis Lazuli: Esteemed for its ability to enhance spiritual enlightenment and psychic abilities, this crystal aids in deepening the recovering and reflective aspects of Reiki.
  • Tiger’s Eye: This is cherished for its grounding, protective qualities, and ability to foster courage and balance.
  • Shungite: Revered for its purifying properties, it is used to detoxify bodies and aura fields and protect against negative influences.
  • Labradorite: This crystal is admired for its transformative powers for the third eye chakra, aiding Reiki practitioners in accessing higher states of consciousness and psychic abilities.
  • Bloodstone: Known for its powerful properties, this stone revitalizes and detoxifies vibes, making it a potent tool for enhancing vitality and endurance in Reiki healing.

Most Popular Gemstones

Amethyst Crystals: Spiritual Awareness, Emotional Calm


Amethyst, revered for its link to the crown chakra, promotes spiritual awareness and clarity in Reiki. This stone, esteemed for its ability to purify and calm, supports all individuals in achieving a tranquil state of presence, essential for deep recovery and introspection during Reiki sessions.

Clear Quartz Crystal: Healing Energy Amplification, Chakra Balancing

Clear Quartz
Clear Quartz

Clear Quartz, known as the “master healer,” intensifies energy and thought as a powerful tool for setting intentions and manifesting goals. The versatility of this known best crystal allows it to enhance the energies of other stones and align the chakras, facilitating it as a cornerstone in Reiki sessions for cleansing the space and encouraging unity and balance.

Rose Quartz Crystals: More Unconditional Love, Emotional Healing

Rose Quartz
Rose Quartz

With its soft pink essence, Rose Quartz is an important heart chakra crystal, known as a love gemstone in Reiki practices. It encourages unconditional love and calmness, heals the heart from pain, increases fertility, and fosters relationships. It is invaluable in promoting an environment and world of love and healing during Reiki sessions.

Black Tourmaline: Negative Energy Shield, Stress Relief

Black Tourmaline
Black Tourmaline

Black Tourmaline, revered in the Reiki world for its grounding properties, offers a shield against negativity, creating a protective barrier around the person. It helps with psychological stability and bodily welfare, enabling it to be a trusted ally in Reiki sessions to help ground, cleanse, and safeguard one’s positive vibrations.

Citrine Crystal: Prosperity and Success, Motivation Boost


Citrine, celebrated for its bright strength, explicitly targets the solar plexus chakra, fostering personal power and confidence within individuals. This gemstone, radiating light, aids in diminishing negativity, helps with fasting, promoting being comfortable and welfare.

It’s commonly sought after in the Reiki world for its ability to improve one’s connection to the earth, enhance patient recovery, and bolster confidence. It is a staple in sessions aimed at boosting optimism and clearing the chest and gut of psychological blockages.

How to Integrate and Maintain Reiki Energy

Individual wearing a gemstone necklace
Let’s learn how to Integrate and Maintain

Incorporating crystals into Reiki sessions enhances the recovery process. Stones like Amethyst and Rose Quartz can be placed on corresponding chakra points to amplify healing energies and support balance. You can even wear them as jewelry.

Creating a Reiki crystal grid in a space or meditation area magnifies the intentions set during healing sessions. This grid can act as a continuous positive energy source, helping to maintain the flow of positive vibrations even when not actively engaging in Reiki.

Regular cleansing ensures crystals remain powerful tools for restoration. To recharge their strength, you can smudge them with incense like sage, bathe them in moonlight, or bury them in the earth and soil.

Programming your crystals with specific intentions imbues them with a focused purpose. Holding a crystal in your hand and meditating on your intention aligns the stone’s vibration with your goals, making it effective during sessions.

Common Terms

Individual meditating, relaxing, peaceful environment
Common Terms
  • Foundational Concepts, Historical Background, Core Reiki Practices & Symbols
    • Mikao Usui: The Japanese expert who founded Reiki in Mount Kurama, harnessing universal energy for recovery, enlightenment, and self-improvement, emphasizing balance and well-being.
    • Reiki Principles: Mikao set core ethical guidelines focused on peace, gratitude, and integrity, guiding practitioners towards spiritual and mental harmony.
    • Gassho: A meditative posture in which palms come together at the heart, symbolizing gratitude and unity. It prepares the brain and spirit for Reiki.
    • Cho Ku Rei: The Reiki power symbol often boosts healing vibrations, focusing on protection, purification, and clearing negative vibes.
    • Sei He Ki: Known as a healing symbol, it addresses mental stress, anxiety, and emotional blocks, fostering peace and balance.
    • Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen: The distance healing symbol. It transcends time and space to send healing vibes to individuals, past or future, and across the universe.
    • Dai Ko Myo: The master symbol, representing the highest form of spiritual vibrations for deep healing, enlightenment, and personal transformation.
  • Life Force & Aura Techniques
    • Byosen Scanning: Technique in which the practitioner’s hands sense areas of imbalance or negative energy in bodies, guiding the healing process and life force flow.
    • Kenyoku: A cleansing method also known as “dry bathing.” It purifies the practitioner’s energy field by removing psychic debris and negative vibrations.
    • Hatsurei Ho: Combination of meditation, breathing, and visualization that enhances the practitioner’s connection to universal energy.
    • Gyoshi Ho: Sending Reiki through the eyes by focusing intent and gaze on the recipient, utilizing the power of sight and intention for healing.
    • Koki Ho: Involves using the breath to direct healing vibrations, often incorporating specific intentions or Reiki symbols to support healing and vitality flow.
    • Tanden: The energy center in the belly is considered the source of life force and a focal point for meditative practices.
    • Joshin Kokyu Ho: A breathing technique for purifying the spirit. It focuses on deep breaths into the tanden to enhance healing flow and personal clarity.

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